Friday, March 18, 2011

Mushroom Cantharellus 2007 - LV

I don't even have much words to describe how happy i am to have this FDC.. Coming from the nicest person in Latvia.
From 2007 to 2010, Latvian PO has issued one stamp and FDC per year representing mushrooms, really nice drawings. It seems Latvia has a long tradition in popular mycology, mostly because, well, they're everywhere.
Lately i've been trying to learn more about mushrooms and fungi, this things always fascinated me.
Here in Portugal only the Northern region has a long tradition of mushrooms hunting and cooking, but in every region you can find a certain species that is known and eat by the locals.

FDC Issued 25/8/2007 - Latvia

Represents a Cantharellus cibarius. This is a delicious edible mushroom. Here in portugal it can be found from spring to autumn, if it rains enough. It grows in woods of leafy trees, pine trees, and even Eucalyptus. It prefers wet areas, along watercourses.
It has no 'blades' under the cap, and it's body seems to be immune to parasites like larvaes and such. The yellow-orange color and the absence of the mentioned 'blades' makes it easy to differentiate from other species, however, there is a type of shroom which we call the 'false chanterelle' - Hygrophoriopsis aurantiaca that grows in pine woods and is very similar to the Cantharellus but it's a mediocre to eat.

The words on the FDC mean 'Latvian Forest Treasures'.

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