Sunday, March 6, 2011

Russian Fauna 2001/05 - RU

This awesome piece of work is coming from Russia.
I love Russian fauna stamps, they always have great drawings.

Dragonflies - a sheet with 5 stamps for postage showing dragonflies in a lagoon scenery.

-1.00 Pyrrhosoma nymphula Family: Agrionidae
-1.50 Epitheca bimaculata Family: Corduliidae
-2.00 Aeshna grandis Family: Aeschnidae
-3.00 Libellula depressa Family: Libellulidae
-5.00 Coenagrion hastulatum Family: Agrionidae

Issued 2001 - Russia

Nature - 2 stamps from a sheet containing 4 for postage,
Issued in 2005
See complete sheet here.

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