Issued: 21, September 2009 - Portugal & Iran
-0,32 Osprey, Pandion haliaetus.
It's a beautiful eagle with a special design to make the impact on the water a lot easier. It places the nest in cliffs near the coast and trees near lakes. Some European countries are making efforts to increase the population of this species, although it remains very vulnerable to extinction.
According to the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity Institute there are only a few remaining in the teritory.
-0,80 White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla.
It's a big eagle characterized by a distinct white tail. Inhabits essentially Europe, Asia and South west Greenland, wondering around aquatic areas, so it can feed on fish, it's main diet, but it also eats other birds, mammals and sometimes carcasses. This eagle makes big nests in cliffs and big trees near water sources.
Like the osprey, some countries try to protect and increase the populations.
Personally i think this issue is beautiful and the eagles are well represented, with the wings spread in mid-flight, after just caught a fish. Going straight to the album in mint condition, with a few notes. :)
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