Today Portuguese PO issued 4 very nice stamps, and 2 mini sheets depicting fresh water migratory Fish that can be found on our territory.
Issued 7 April 2011 - Portugal
-0,32 Lampetra fluvialis (
European river lamprey), it migrates from the seas deep into river upstream to spawn in Autumn and Winter. It is very appreciated in some regions of Portugal as a traditional and seasonal specialized dish, and to protect the species very restrictive laws have been applied here regarding it's capture.

-0,47 Alosa alosa (
Allis Shad) : it lives nea the Atlantic coasts of Europe, where it constantly filters tons of water to feed on the zoo-plankton. It's when it migrates upriver that it is most fascinating. A big fish (can reach 70 cm and 5 kg) that can be found in all most important Portuguese rivers. Besides the migratory populations, we have some considered fully adapted to live in fresh water through all their lives in the Tejo and Mondego river upstream of 2 big dams. Those populations got retained there upon the construction of this structures. This is another fish that is very appreciated as traditional food, and in some river communities, it has an elevated economic importance.
-0,68 Platichthus flesus (
European flounder) is ugly looking flatfish can be found in European coastlines. In Portugal they can be found a lot in rivers estuaries and some times upstream. It is originally from Europe but it was accidentally introduced to North America by the transport and exploration ships.

-0,80 Liza ramada (
Thinlip mullet) : present in European East coast, from Norway to Morocco, Mediterranean and Black Sea. It mostly inhabits deep waters in the estuaries, while when it migrates upstream, it usually stays just below the surface.
Another fish with big importance to the fishing river communities. When it swims upriver in big schools, provides a unique and beautiful show on the parts of the river with strong stream.
I used to watch the schools jumping when the sun was seting, in the Tejo river near Constancia when i was a kid.
An example (unfortunately with a single fish) is shown in the picture below.

The 2 mini sheets can be seen by
clicking here.